Meet the Team


Managing Director

BACKGROUND: Containers from the get go, straight out of school into a logistics role.

QUALIFICATIONS: I didn’t get where I am today by banging on about GSCE or A level results. Now, containers? We can talk about that till the cows come home, if you like? I trained in the dark art of container sales under some of the industry’s current leaders. Add to this a light sprinkle of ops experience gained over 26 years.

WHY I LIKE WORKING AT ULTRA LOGIK: This isn’t a job or a career; it’s a way of life. AND I LOVE IT.

INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF WORK: I’ll think about interests when I retire. My exercise bike at home does have a hobby, though: it collects dust.

TELL US SOMETHING UNUSUAL ABOUT YOURSELF: I once Tweeted Elon Musk with the ‘is the moon fake’ theory, and received a reply! Retweeted for a ‘free ride’ in a dragon rocket, but sadly still waiting for response (and waiting… and waiting…)



Chief Accountant

BACKGROUND: Tainted by working for the government, classified I’m afraid. Scandalous work nevertheless. After deciding to dive headfirst into the family business as chief accountant or CFO if you need a label.

QUALIFICATIONS: None that are officially recognised, I should have been knighted by now for having to put up with Simon, those that know, just know.

WHY I LIKE WORKING AT ULTRA LOGIK: It’s good wholesome work, comparing it only to my last job of course. Joking aside hearing positive feedback from new and existing clients and watching the company mature is where I find peace.

INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF WORK: There’s an outside of work,… where ?!?!?!? Our kids, travelling and keeping Simon in check.

TELL US SOMETHING UNUSUAL ABOUT YOURSELF: Funny story on how Simon and I Met. However if you wish to know what that is, you’ll have to book a job with us and wait for the invoice to become due and payable before I elaborate any further.


Transport Manager

BACKGROUND: I have worked for and influenced the operations of some of the largest and most well established independent road hauliers in the UK. With a proven track record of producing results. I’m the Transport Manager at Ultra Logik. I Also make a mean club sandwich.

QUALIFICATIONS: O levels from back in the day, they fazed these out in the 1930’s for a new fandangled system I don’t understand.

WHY I LIKE WORKING AT ULTRA LOGIK: The job I love and more importantly I’m dam good at what I do. When you find your forte you stick with it right.

INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF WORK: Sports cars, yet to own one, cashing a massive win on the lotto so I can tell Simon to Jog on haha.

TELL US SOMETHING UNUSUAL ABOUT YOURSELF: Used to work with Simon in the mid noughties, I employed him as an operator. I’ve always lived to regret that job offer. He’s way better at sales than Vehicle Ops.


Traffic Operator

BACKGROUND: Left school and joined the company. Started at the very bottom and worked my way up. Some if not most people prefer speaking to me over Simon lol. I run my own traffic sheet of 10 trucks.

QUALIFICATIONS: Some GCSE but I’m not sure they were worth sitting, I learnt more in six months in the workplace than I learnt in 5 years at secondary school.

INTERESTS OUTSIDE OF WORK: I have life unlike the others. Going out for food and drinks, and cheeky holidays when possible.

TELL US SOMETHING UNUSUAL ABOUT YOURSELF: I do love a little light social media stalking of our competitors. Oh, and shoes, lots of shoes,… I love shoes.

Got an awkward logistics task, large or small, that’s keeping you awake at night, and needs expert handling, like, NOW?


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